William somerset maugham short stories list
William somerset maugham short stories list

william somerset maugham short stories list

His voice had no particular colour, and its tone did not alter with the words he uttered, but it was musical, soft, and lulling. He could allay certain pains by the touch of his cool, firm hands, and by talking to them often induce sleep in men who were suffering from sleeplessness. It was then that he discovered his singular gift. When the war broke out he had not been long qualified and was getting experience at various hospitals he offered his services to the authorities, and after a time was sent out to France. He had adopted the profession by accident and practised it with misgiving. He gave you the impression of a very sick man.ĭr Audlin was a psycho-analyst. His dress made his sallow lined face paler, and his pale eyes more wan. You could never have said what Dr Audlin wore unless you had made a point of looking.

william somerset maugham short stories list

His hands were on the large side, with long, tapering fingers they were soft, but firm, cool but not clammy. If you were of an observant turn it might have struck you that he blinked much less often than most of us.

william somerset maugham short stories list

They gave no clue to his thoughts nor changed with the words he spoke. When you had been with him for a while you noticed that they moved very little they remained fixed on your face, but so empty of expression were they that it was no discomfort. His eyes, pale-blue and rather large, were weary. He was not more than fifty, but he looked older. He was tall and spare, with narrow shoulders and something of a stoop his hair was grey and thin his long, sallow face deeply lined. There was in Dr Audlin's appearance nothing to attract attention.

William somerset maugham short stories list